Look at the earth crowded with growth, new and old bursting from their strong roots hidden in the silent, live ground, each seed according to its own kind... each one knowing what to do, each one demanding its own rights on the earth... So, artist, you too from the deeps of your soul... let your roots creep forth, gaining strength.
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Powerpoint: The Road to Expressionism
COPAC UK: Emily Carr
Library of Canada: Emily Carr
Library of Congress: Emily Carr
Other Library Catalogs: Emily Carr
Painter and writer born in Victoria, British Columbia. Carr studied art in San Francisco, England, and France. Her summers on Queen Charlotte Island brought her into contact with First Nations cultures and coastal landscapes. She was influenced by impressionism, Fauvism, and cubism, but portrayed nature in a powerful style of her own. Carr wrote a series of books. Klee Wyck (1941) about her encounters with Aboriginal culture; The Book of Small (1942) on her childhood in Victoria; The House of All Sorts (1944) about keeping a boarding house and breeding dogs; and, Growing Pains (1946) covering her entire life. [Adapted from Well Known Canadians]
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