Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Henry Medwall (c 1462-c 1522)

Sierra Club


A. A, for Goddis will, / What meane ye, syrs, to stond so still? / Have not ye etyn and your fill / And payd no thinge therfore? / Iwys, syrs, thus dare I say, / He that shall for the shott pay / Vouch saveth that ye largely assay / Suche mete as he hath in store. - Opening of Fulgens and Lucrece


Please browse our Amazon list of titles about Henry Medwall. For rare and hard to find works we recommend our Alibris list of titles about Henry Medwall.


COPAC UK: Henry Medwall
Library of Canada Search Form
Library of Congress: Henry Medwall
Other Library Catalogs: Henry Medwall


English vernacular dramatist. Two works of his survive: Fulgens and Lucrece (1497) - the earliest known secular English play and a morality play Nature.

Books from Alibris: Henry Medwall

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