Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Jean Coulthard (1908-2000)

Sierra Club


There was never any question that I'd be a musician, not at all. What age did I enjoy the most? I've enjoyed them all!


Please browse our Amazon list of titles about Jean Coulthard. For rare and hard to find works we recommend our Alibris list of titles about Women in Music.


Sheet music: Jean Coulthard
Recordings: Jean Coulthard
COPAC UK: Jean Coulthard
Library of Canada: Jean Coulthard
Library of Congress: Jean Coulthard
Other Library Catalogs: Jean Coulthard


Born in Vancouver; Coulthard wrote her first compositions under the supervision of her mother. Her teachers included R. O. Morris and Ralph Vaughan Williams. She had assessment critiques from Schoenberg, Milhaud and Bartok. Coulthard forged her own tonally-based musical. Her repertoire includes over 350 works. Coulthard's earliest works show the influence of the French impressionists. Immediately after the Second World War she developed a blend of traditional formal processes with polytonally based and chromatically enriched harmonies. Several major works dated from this period, including the frequently performed Sonata for Cello and Piano, Quebec May, and the Variations on B.A.C.H. During the next three decades Coulthard wrote many new works, such as Canada Mosaic, which were intentionally designed to be accessible to the general musical public. Her more recent works explore a vocabulary of contemporary techniques -- aleatory effects, microtones, musique concrete, and tone clusters. [Adapted from Canadian Music Centre]

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